Teen Strength Training in the Palisades!

Berty Fitness and Gym, located in the Palisades, is the perfect place for teens to get in shape and learn more about the gym while having fun. I provide private gym access and personal training to ensure a safe and effective workout, plus knowledge and experience to help your kid advance their health.

What to expect

1. Most importantly, we will maintain a fun and engaging environment while teaching the fundamentals of lifting and how to be able to do it for the rest of your life!

2. We will start off with an extensive dynamic warm up using sanitizied equipment and mats. 

3. We will discuss the workout for the day then begin the working sets. I will demonstrate the correct form between each exersice to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

4. The session will end with a static recovery and I can answer any fitness questions then or throughout the workout. 

5. If you enjoyed the session and plan on coming back I can prepare a weekly workout plan (based off fitness goals and time restrictions) and a nutrition plan (most teens and pre-teens should not be on a diet, so this will just act as a healthy guideline for those who want to eat a little cleaner).



Private Gym

Private Gym

We will be working out at my private gym with all the necessary equipment for the exercises we will be doing. A private gym is:

1. Not Crowded and you don't have to worry about other people using equipment which allows for more efficient workouts.

2. Without having other people around them, kids are able to fully push themselves and not be self-conscious.

3. Each piece of equipment is thoroughly cleaned after each session ensuring a healthy environment.

Personal Training

Personal Training

I will provide personal training for ages 12+. With a focus on helping teens to achieve their fitness goals, my personalized training programs are tailored to their unique needs, helping them build strength, develop healthy habits, and boost their self-confidence. Through a supportive and motivating approach, I am dedicated to guiding teens on their fitness journey, ensuring safety, and fostering a positive and enjoyable training experience. I will have pre-made plans for that day's workout before they arrive and will show them the correct form and technique with each exercise. Because I am also a teen, I understand how people our age can grow and get stronger in the gym all while keeping it fun.

Pricing and More Info


40$ for 1:00hr Session. 

-5$ per training session per week.

(Ex: 2 Sessions is (80 - 5) or 75$,

3 sessions is (120 - 10) or 110$)


More Info

  • Group sessions are available and recommended!
  • The private gym is at my house in the Palisades. I will have healthy exercise drinks and snacks and will be playing appropriate music. 
  • A liability waiver must be signed beforehand. I also have my driver's license in case of an emergency. 

Hello, my name is Nick Bertram. I'm 16 years old, and I'm in my Junior year of high school. Although I'm very committed to my academics, I also take my health and activity very seriously. Whether I'm playing lacrosse, wrestling, boxing, or lifting weights, I'm always trying to improve my health and physique. This wasn't always the case, though.

Ever since I was young, I was very overweight and could care less about how my actions would affect my body. This caused me to be very self-conscious, and I decided I needed to make a change. In just one year, I was able to fully transform my body and brain. I was obsessed. Whether It was self-improvement, physical health, or economic success, I wanted to learn anything and everything I could. I used all the recourses I could find, including books, the internet, and more experienced lifters. This decision changed my life, and what other way to express my experience than to help other kids. So I'm deciding to do what I love all while teaching others how to improve themselves.


Contact me:


[email protected]

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